Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week 8: Moving On. . .

So, last week was tough.  But after speaking with Michelle, we have decided that I should move on to the conceptual mapping for the TEI body.  The process is essentially the same; starting with the spreadsheet, although this time I'm skipping the 'fluffy' version and going straight to the structured version.  Michelle had told me that this section would in some ways be easier, but also be more difficult in others.

I think she's right.  There seems to be fewer things that need to be selected and validated, but it is harder to create the logic for those that do exist.  For example, there needs to be a way to check that if a note spans pages, for readability, the note should be collapsed into one page.  While the easy way would just to write the assert as <report test="tei:note"/>, all that would do would be to check to see if there was a note.  It wouldn't actually check whether the note spans pages.  So, this is the kind of logic that I have to play around with.  There is also another encoding rule that the encoder needs to remove all end of line hyphens for word splits.  However, sometimes a split traverses pages.  This is going to be tricky to figure out the logic for.

So far, I have completed the conceptual mapping for the TEI body and have now begun to write the Schematron with 10 asserts.  So, yes for now, moving on. 

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